Why build the Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP)?

The Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP) is a powerful tool that can help to increase citizen engagement and participation in policy-making. By using the platform, you can give citizens a voice in shaping the future of their communities.

The Citizen Engagement Platform (CEP) can be used to:

  • Gather feedback from citizens: The platform can be used to survey citizens on a variety of topics, such as their priorities, their thoughts on current policies, and their ideas for new policies.
  • Foster innovation: The platform can be used to crowdsource ideas from citizens, which can then be used to develop new policies or programs.
  • Create a culture of co-creation: The platform can be used to facilitate collaboration between citizens and policymakers, which can help to ensure that policies are designed with the input of those who will be affected by them.
What are your feelings
Updated on December 13, 2023